Subject Verb Agreement Each

Author: admin  //  Category: Bez kategorii

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that ensures that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and person. When using the word “each” in a sentence, it is essential to be mindful of the subject-verb agreement to avoid any grammatical errors. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement when using “each” in a sentence.

Using “Each” as a Pronoun

When used as a pronoun, “each” represents individual members of a group. In this case, the verb used in the sentence should be in the singular form to agree with “each.” For instance, consider the following sentence:

Each of the students in the class has their own book.

In this sentence, “each” is representing a single student in the class, indicating that there is more than one student. Therefore, the verb “has” is in agreement with “each,” which is in the singular form. If the verb were in the plural form, the sentence would be grammatically incorrect, as it would not agree with “each.”

Using “Each” as an Adjective

When “each” is used as an adjective, the subject-verb agreement is determined by the noun that “each” is modifying. Suppose the noun is singular, then the verb used in the sentence should be singular. If the noun is plural, the verb should be plural. For instance, consider this sentence:

Each book on the shelf is dusty.

In this sentence, “each” modifies the noun “book,” which is singular. Hence, the verb “is” used in the sentence is singular, agreeing with the singular noun. If the noun were plural, the verb used in the sentence would also be plural.

Compound Subjects with “Each”

When “each” is used with compound subjects, the subject-verb agreement can be a bit more challenging. In this case, the verb should agree with the subject closest to it. For instance, consider this sentence:

Each the teacher and the students are discussing the book.

In this sentence, “each” is used with the compound subject “the teacher and the students.” In this case, the verb “are” agrees with the subject closer to it, which is “students.” Therefore, the sentence is grammatically correct.


In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial when using “each” in a sentence. It is essential to ensure that the verb used in the sentence agrees with the noun that “each” is modifying. As a professional, it is essential to pay close attention to subject-verb agreement when editing any content. By adhering to the rules of subject-verb agreement, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and professional.

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