What Is an Example of an Executive Agreement

Author: admin  //  Category: Bez kategorii

An executive agreement is a legal document that outlines an agreement between the heads of two or more governments. This type of agreement is not subject to Senate approval, unlike a treaty. Instead, it is an agreement that is made between two parties without the need for legislative approval.

One example of an executive agreement is the agreement reached between the United States and Mexico to address the issue of illegal immigration. This agreement was reached in June 2019 and was designed to reduce the number of migrants crossing the border into the United States.

Under the terms of this executive agreement, Mexico agreed to take steps to increase enforcement at their southern border with Guatemala. This included increasing the number of National Guard troops stationed at the border and cracking down on human trafficking and smuggling networks.

In exchange, the United States agreed to withdraw a threat to impose tariffs on Mexican goods and to work with Mexico to address the root causes of illegal immigration, such as poverty and violence in Central America.

This executive agreement was hailed as a success by both countries, as it helped to reduce the number of migrants crossing the border and addressed some of the underlying causes of illegal immigration.

Other examples of executive agreements include agreements related to trade, defense, and climate change. These agreements are often used when a formal treaty would be difficult to negotiate or unlikely to receive the necessary approval from the Senate.

In conclusion, an executive agreement is a legal document that outlines an agreement between the heads of two or more governments. One example of an executive agreement is the agreement reached between the United States and Mexico to address the issue of illegal immigration. This type of agreement is often used when a formal treaty would be difficult to negotiate or unlikely to receive the necessary approval from the Senate.

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